Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 119: Drama Talk!

A friend of mine wants to do a play in Malayalam and is currently in the very initial stages of the production. He gave me a ring to know whether I would want to be involved as part of the cast. As much as I would have loved the experience, with a heavy heart I had to decline the opportunity because really, regular rehearsals are not something I can commit to at this point in time.

But as we spoke more, it struck me that sure, I can't be part of the cast but why not the crew?! I could be in the backstage which will require time commitment only for a few days prior to the performance dates. It would be a few days of intensive commitment vs. regular commitment required over a longer period of time as with the cast. It seemed like something I could totally do!

I got super excited and shared my thoughts with him. I suggested that maybe I could be his stage manager, I have enough experience and can easily work with the sound and lights. He was totally happy with the idea and before we knew it, we were rattling away about all sorts of production details! It was SO awesome!

I really hope the production takes place - he is still trying to gather the cast, get an afffordable venue and put all the the nitty gritties together. If it does, I will get to be the stage manager and do something that I have been sorely missing for a few years now! My last production was in 2009, which was really too long ago!

Am not sure where this will go, but for today, just discussing about a theatre production has got me so very excited! Beautiful! 

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