Friday, February 15, 2013

Days 44 - 46: Miscellaneous Fun - Yoga, Writing, Valentine's Day Sponge Cakes!

It's been not-very-eventful but rather fun three days.

Quick list, due to severe lack of time:

a) Managed to exercise all three days - 1 long walk and 2 days of yoga.
b) Managed to get a few things checked in yoga - Camel Pose: Check!, Fixed Firm: Check, Balancing Stick: Check! Awkward Pose (part 1) - Check! - Pretty good work for two days, ya?! So happy!
c) Made a little progress on the friend's screenplay.
d) Celebrated Valentine's day by buying the hubby and myself cute, little sponge cakes and joyously consuming them. You see, I don't believe in Valentine's AT ALL! I would rather celebrate those days which are special to just the two of us like our anniversary and shared birthday. But I had a great yoga class and I wanted to treat myself to something nice, so colourful sponge cakes it was! And given my generous nature, I happened to share them with the hubby too, thereby converting it into a couple celebration.

In short, pretty good three days! 

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