Friday, May 31, 2013

Days 148 - 151: When the Going Gets Terrific!

Contrary to the previous post where I had to deliberately get myself out of a mental slump, I am feeling absolutely topnotch right now. Yup! Music in my ears, music on my lips, a hop and a skip in my step, that kinda stuff.

Reason? Well, not exactly known. I mean, I don't think it is one big reason but believe it is a combination of a few factors over the last four days. Now, maybe the below really warrants a complete post per day vs. the summary, but well... this will have to do because I do have other important things to attend to like catching up on my sleep.

On Tuesday, my team for my next short film 'Aravindum Aarumughamum' was locked and loaded. Now I have my three actors, editor, music director, cinematographer and also photographer for the stills. I also kickstarted the scheduling process, which is going to be the biggest challenge for this project because my editor cum cinematographer is based out of Mumbai and will be flying down just for a few days, my music director is in Chennai and the rest of the cast and crew are involved in everything from full time jobs and MBA classes to Odissi lessons, family lives and baby rearing (the last one being me myself). But in spite of the complexities, just getting the scheduling work started means I have taken another step towards making the film, and I love that! Am super excited about it!

On Wednesday, I hit yoga after almost a 4 week gap. I had skipped the last four weeks due to illness, lack of sleep (with me back at work in full swing and without my mom in town anymore to look after the little one at night, sleep has become a rather rare luxury), and general lethargy. I had still been doing DVD workouts every other day but I had completely ignored yoga for so long. Today, in spite of still being sleep deprived and lethargic, I somehow dragged myself to class. And man! It was probably the worst class I've ever had! I felt that everything - food, water and organs included - were about to come out of my mouth. I wished I would just die but then took that back because dying would mean being born again (as per us Hindus), and that would mean having to practice yoga again which in turn would mean I would have stuff stuck in my throat, ready to pop out, every time my stomach contracts. Sigh. Yup, it was terrible but...the good news was that I survived and I felt totally kickass about it later! I felt so... so... good and also so very stupid for taking such a long break! And the best part? I think I had one of the best nights of sleep. Sure, the little one woke up about 4 times at night but I slept really well in between unlike my usual tossing, turning, disturbed sleeping self.

On Thursday, I went for yoga again and this time, had a kickass class! Not in terms of quality of my postures, but more in terms of my stamina and my disinterest in wanting to die, unlike the day before. In fact I felt very much alive and wanting to live post it! So much so that I got back home and after spending some time with the little one and putting her to bed, I got on to the long overdue editing of my friend's novel. I had done a chunk of it a while ago, and had not gotten back to it post the India trip because I got caught up with work after that. But today I felt super energized and I started working on it again.

On Friday, the nicest thing happened. I was getting out of work when I bumped into this girl at the lift lobby. She was not from my company and I had no idea who she was. But as soon as she saw me .. she was all smiles and told me that she knows me. I was confused, how? Much to my surprise, she tell me that she knows me via my good friend from school. Apparently this mutual friend was the girl's roomie! What are the chances... bumping into someone like that in the lift lobby at work in Singapore and also for her to recognize me, possibly from Facebook pictures or something! Just as I was about to dish out the cliched "Oh the world is so small...." line, she said. "I could recognize you right away. I have read your blog. It is amazing." What. Woah. Now I was really, really surprised! Here is this girl, who was room mates with my childhood friend, who has now moved to Singapore, works for a company which works with mine, is at the lift lobby on the same floor as me right when I am there (my company occupies about 10 floors in that building), has read my blog and actually liked it, had seen my pictures before and recognizes me and gives me a compliment on my blog. Seriously! Before I could gather my thoughts and thank her properly, she hurried away to the meeting she had come for. Wow. Needless to say, it totally made my day.  God bless her!

Like I said, it has really gone from tough to terrific in no time. Totally gonna enjoy it while it lasts! 

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